Effective Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is not any disease, but a condition or rather a symptom that is very common during the menopause phase. During menopause, the production of the hormone estrogen slows down and finally stops. During this hormonal change, the woman experiences many kinds of changes in the body, most of them are undesired ones like periods become irregular, finally stops, experience hot flashes, deeper voice, mood swings, and increase in facial hair.

Vaginal dryness is also one of the symptoms; however it can also occur at any age due to many other causes (fungal and bacterial infections).
The primary cause is lack of vaginal moisture; this can bring a negative impact on your sexual life and also bring on associated discomforts like itching, pain etc. Fortunately there are many home remedies to treat vaginal dryness; here are some of them –

Aloe Vera Gel

This is an excellent home remedy with many benefits; you can apply a mixture of fresh milk and aloe vera gel in your vagina to treat the problem. Even if you can drink a glass of diluted aloe vera juice every day, it will enhance natural lubrication in your vagina.


Flax seed oil can treat vaginal dryness effectively. In fact, you can add flaxseeds in your nutritious and homemade foods for treating this condition. Flaxseeds increase the production of estrogen level.

Tea Tree Oil and Dong Quai

This is again an age old remedy to treat vaginal dryness; use few drops of this oil to lubricate your vaginal area on regular basis. It does not have any side effects, instead will give you a soothing feeling. Dong quai, another useful herb can be utilized to treat the difficulty of vaginal dryness.


This herb effectively enhances lubrication and also reduces the itching. There are many comfrey ointment gels that can be used generously in vagina to eradicate the dryness.

Coconut Oil and Olive Oil

Some of the natural elements that are excellent in treating vaginal dryness at home are coconut oil and olive oil. You can mix them equally and apply in vagina twice a day.

Apart from the above mentioned home remedies, few lifestyle changes can also improve the situation, like increased foreplay, using cotton underwear and avoiding chemical lubricants or other creams that dehydrate the vagina.

Dietary Changes to Improve Vaginal Dryness

  • Fatty acids are in any case recommended as a “must have” dietary need after menopause; it also treats vaginal dryness effectively.
  • Sea fish like salmon is recommended; also pumpkin and nuts help in eradicating this problem.
  • Fresh fruit juices in abundance can keep away this problem.
  • Keep your body hydrated to the fullest; drink atleast 8 glasses of water every day to treat vaginal dryness naturally.
  • Soy foods are high in estrogen and can treat any menopause related symptoms.
  • Yoghurt, cherries and melon is an excellent combination to try out for curing vaginal dryness.

However, these remedies can help some women while others might have some other underlying issues that lead to vaginal dryness that needs to be addressed by a medical practitioner.

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