Simple & Efficient Colon Cleanse Remedy Using Only 2 Ingredients

Colon health has so much to do with the kinds of food we put into our bodies. Check out my newest food blog For Goodness Plate and get loads of ideas for delicious, body-friendly, grain-free recipes, goodies and more! I’d love to see you there!

Okay, onto the cleanse…

Yeah. I know that title doesn’t do much for the appetite, but this is important stuff. So even though I’m going a little off-road with this post, please take note because colon health is essential to your overall health. It’s directly linked to your body’s ability to rid itself of waste as well as absorb the vital nutrients in your food.

So my ears perked up when I came across this super simple way of aiding your body in getting rid of the junk that builds up in the colon. I headed right to the store to stock up on plain kefir and flax seeds. And I’ve gotta say, this is something we’re gonna keep up, for sure.

Now, if you’re not familiar with kefir, it tastes similar to yogurt; a little bit tangy and pleasantly smooth. “It is a fermented, enzyme-rich food resembling yogurt filled with friendly bacteria, known as probiotics… Kefir grains are packed with good micro-organisms, micro- and macro-nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals like proteins, vitamin B, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, among others.

And flax seeds are a stellar source of Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and other goodies. There’s so much to say about these rich little seeds, so if you’re interested check out the Flax Council of Canada’s site and read up!

What you’ll need:

• Flax seeds. I find that golden flax seeds have a milder taste, so that’s my preference. But the Flax Council of Canada (…can I just pause for a sec to say how much I love that Canada has an official flax council? It tickles me) assures me that all varieties of flax contains the same nutritional value.

• Plain kefir (there are so many yummy kinds, but for this particular cleanse I recommend plain).

Okay, here’s the drill. This cleanse is so easy. Every morning you mix flaxseed flour and kefir and eat it for breakfast. Not to worry, it has a pleasant taste. As the weeks progress, the amounts change a bit, as follows:

Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 100 ml (7ish tablespoons) of kefir
Week 2: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 100 ml (7ish tablespoons) of kefir
Week 3: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 150 ml (10 tablespoons) of kefir

Important notes:

• Store your flaxseed/flour in the fridge!

• I grind my own flaxseed flour – so easy! You just toss the seeds in your blender and grind until it’s fine. Won’t take longer than a a minute or two for a few tablespoons.

• The source article says only to grind as much flaxseed flour as you need for that day or it will go rancid. I haven’t found this to be true. I grind enough for a few days and keep it in the fridge and it was just fine.

• The source also displays it made with whole flaxseeds. Definitely don’t do that. Your bod can’t absorb the nutrients in the flaxseeds if they’re not ground up.

• If you let it sit for too long before eating, the flaxseed flour begins to absorb the kefir and it gets thick. Unappealingly thick. So eat after you make it, and only mix what you need for that morning.

• Also, a helpful tip – I’ve been using Trader Joe’s whole ground flaxseed meal (storing it in the fridge), and it works wonderfully. It stores well, without going rancid, and it makes this part of our morning routine a snap. Just scoop, pour, and stir :).

I hope you find this info helpful! I did :).

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